You're invited to help fill our TETNA newsletter with neighborhood news

Your Tosa East Towne Neighborhood Association produces a 12-page printed newsletter that is distributed by neighbors three times a year - February, June and October - providing notifications and recaps of TETNA events, as well as stories on other neighborhood and city news.The newsletter wouldn't be possible without the hard work of our volunteers. Here's where you come in: If you have a background in writing, editing, design or advertising, we could use your help putting together upcoming issues. All roles require only a modest time commitment, primarily in the month before each publication, and roles can be tailored to your interests and skills.Our revamped newsletter committee is forming now. If you would like to participate or are looking for more info, please email David Paulsen at


June 1 is TETNA’s 2019 neighborhood Rummage Sale, sponsored by Beth Jaworski


Consider helping TETNA plan Run Tosa Run 2019