President's Message: May 2009

Hello TETNA!Once there was a girl. She moved into a small bungalow in a city called Wauwatosa. She liked her house. She liked her block. She liked the park close by. She loved the walking community.But she was lonely. How could she meet people? She knew there were other people who were also looking for a friend. But how could she find them? Where might they be? How to make contact?One day a flyer came to her door. It had lots of articles on it. It listed events that looked like fun for her family. She saw articles about events in her own neighborhood. She marked her calendar. She saw one article that really appealed to her. She saw the number at the bottom of the article and nervously dialed the number.She found some people who were looking for a friend. She got involved by volunteering. (She got suckered in!)She enjoyed it. She met more people.She came to a meeting. She met more people.She led an event. She led it again. She made lifelong friends.And then she became the President of the Tosa East Towne Neighborhood Association.And now you know...the rest of the story.Sarah Hunt-FrankTETNA President


May Association Meeting


VOLUNTEERS: Rummage Sale