President's Message: July 2009

Hello TETNA!When you under take something like doing a half marathon, you have no idea what you are really getting into. You train. You plan. You buy a cute running outfit.But it is not until you get there that it sinks in. You are part of something. Something big. You stand in your corral. You hear the National Anthem. I heard Mary Hulman-George say, “Ladies and gentlemen, start your engines!” Someone sang, “Back Home Again In Indiana.” Then, the starting gun. You shuffle for 38 minutes to the starting line. And then you take off!I did the Indy 500 Mini Marathon on May 2 this year. It was my second time. I remember last year, standing in my corral, thinking. “I need another month to train!” But what got me the most was being part of a crowd 35,000 strong. That is an incredible feeling!What is also impressive are the people along the route, just cheering and supporting, ringing cowbells, whirling flags, calling you by name (a little startling until you realize your name is blazoned on your chest bib!) and just giving every encouragement they can. People on tricycles, bicycles, in lawn chairs, and wheelchairs. Young people, Old people. Little kids.  Poor people. Middle people and rich people.When you finish, you know that you have accomplished something. Something few have done. I happened to go just fast enough to not get picked up by the bus. (Whew!) I have to finish. The shame of telling people I didn’t finish is a pretty powerful motivator! But I do my part. The volunteers do their part. And the cheering crowd does their part.In life, some people are runners, in the thick of the parade. Some people are organizers, behind the scenes making it go smoothly. Some people are supporters, cheering from the sidewalks.Which ever you are, consider doing what you do best for the community. Be a part of something big. Get involved in whatever way suits you. Because it all adds up to an amazing spectacle. The Greatest Spectacle In Racing: the human race.Sarah Hunt-FrankTETNA President


July TETNA newsletter


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