President's Message: February 2009

Hello TETNA!I can’t believe it is 2009 already! Where did the year go? I remember as a child the year seemed so long and as I grow older, a year just flies by!I would like to start this year with my sincere thanks and gratitude to all of the volunteers that make TETNA function, from newsletter delivery to hiding Easter eggs, from the board and chairmen to a smiling face at Halloween registration, I thank you for the time and effort all of you put in. You may think that your contribution wasn’t much this year, but every little bit adds up. One person giving a lot does not equal a lot of people giving a little! So thank you! Thank you! Thank you!Our Annual meeting is coming up. This is a good time to hear about what is going on in our neighborhood. Our Aldermen, Jerry Stepaniak and Michael Walsh will speak on the city’s plans for our area. Officer Semega will give us an update on the crime prevention in our area. (We may get more calls to our area for crimes but it is only because we are more watchful participants in our community!) Believe me, you will really appreciate our wonderful East Towne after you hear these gentlemen speak!I would like to thank our board for this great last year. I have enjoyed being president of TETNA and I know that more great things are coming our way!Sarah Hunt-FrankTETNA President


February TGIT


February 2009 Newsletter