President’s Letter

Hello, Tosa East Towne neighbors! Let me introduce myself. My husband and I moved to Milwaukee from Pennsylvania in 1996. I am originally from Indiana, but my husband is a Wisconsinite from Janesville. When we were starting a family in 1999, we settled in Tosa and have had the great fortune of finding the community connection that makes this area special.The TETNA annual meeting was held on March 10 this year. Elections were held and I look forward to representing you as president in the coming year. I would also like to congratulate Katherine Lazarski as Vice President, Barb Blaney as Treasurer, and Randy Hoyt as Secretary.Those attending the annual meeting heard Officer Leist comment on Tosa and East Towne. He said that most crime in this area are petty thefts out of unattended garages or the typical businesses that get criminal activity; convenient stores, small appliance stores, etc. He said that person-to-person theft, such as purse-snatching or mugging, is rare in this area. He considers East Towne to be a safe area but doesn’t want us to let our guards down to let in possible future crimes.We also had the pleasure of the Aldermanic Candidates, Michael Walsh and Bobby Pantuso, at our meeting. We are so fortunate to have two great candidates who have a passion for this area and want it to continue to be a safe and pleasant place to raise a family.TETNA helps the people in this community get together and enjoy getting to know one another with events like Easter Egg Hunt, Family Fun Day, Halloween, and the Holiday Cookie Exchange. But we also support the health and wealth of our community with the fall Blood Drive, the Rummage Sale, the Tosa Food Pantry Drive and the effort to “clean up” any unsavory activity in Center Park.A new TETNA event started this year, geared specifically for adults, was a TGIF organized by Tiger Beyer! Residents met at Walter’s Pub and had an evening of good conversation, food and drinks, and a great discussion with Tosa mayoral candidate Jerry Stepaniak.Thank you to Kathleen Flanders for organizing the Egg Hunt in Center Park. We were sorry to have to cancel because of 15 inches of snow!If you have any ideas to make what we do better or new fun ideas to get people out of their houses, let us know. Meanwhile, all are welcome at our meetings at the Lutheran Home on the second Monday of the month at 7pm! I hope you will consider lending your time and talent to join us. The commitment isn’t big, and like so many things that are worthwhile, you can give as much or as little as you want and your return will be even greater. -- Best of all, no experience is necessary!Sarah Hunt-Frank


North Avenue Neighborhood Alliance