July President's Message

Hello, TETNA!

Well, summer is here in full bloom! What wonderful gardens I see as I walk through the neighborhood! I know that summers can get busy but remember to take some time to stop and enjoy. It won’t be long and there will be 24 inches of snow and a broken snow shovel in your yard!Thank you to Heidi Hudson-Mairet for organizing the Rummage Sale this year. Thank you to all of the people who participated. And I’m sure the participants would like to thank the people who bought all their stuff!Have you noticed the beautifully planted pots along North Avenue? The Wauwatosa Beautification Committee supplied the flowers on June 7, and the Gardening Angels planted them in their adopted pots. Beautiful work, Gardening Angels!Remember to use the wonderful resource that is our library. They have great summer programs to keep kids into books with challenges and events.Family Fun Day is coming up quick. Be sure to mark your calendars for July 26 at Center Park. Katherine Lazarski is taking over this TETNA event and I’m sure it will be better than ever! (She may still need some help so please call her. These things don’t get done by one person alone!) Balloons, a band, games and prizes, hotdogs and soda. What more could a summer event need? Oh, well, how about some kids. Parents. Grandparents…Thank you to Tiger Beyer for organizing a TGIF at Walter’s. A good time was had by all who attended. The next TGIF is August 15 at Cranky Al’s. I will be there with an order for a Suzy Special! Or maybe a Cranky Pizza. (That’s the kind of pizza that got up on the wrong side of the bed.)Be safe as you travel this summer. Remember to keep your unattended garages closed to prevent any losses. Wear your bike helmet. Use the buddy system when swimming. Remember the SPF. Don’t play in the street. Put your jacket on. You’re sitting too close to the television. Close the refrigerator door. —And don’t forget to have fun!Sarah Hunt-Frank, TETNA President


Join in the Family Fun Day


Family Fun Day Volunteers Needed