January Association Meeting

Monday, January 12 • 7 PMLutheran Home

TETNA meetings are open to everyone in the Tosa East Towne neighborhood. Please feel free to attend. We gather at 7 p.m. at the Lutheran Home, 7500 W. North Ave.TETNA Agenda

  1. Approval of minutes
  2. Treasurers Report - Barbara Blaney
  3. Membership Chair  - Annette Rockwood
  4. Vote on emailing the Youth Directory to all TETNA members
  5. Membership Database - events, divide and conquer!
  6. Newsletter - Julie Terwelp
  7. Events
    • TGIThursday- Tiger Beyer
    • Holiday Cookie Exchange Review - Dawn Zehren
    • Spring Egg Hunt --Kathleen Flanders
    • Rummage sale - Heidi Hudson-Mairet
    • Family Fun Day - Katherine Lazarski, and co-coordinator
  8. Business report - Meg Miller
  9. NAC  Report - Tiger
  10. Gardening Club ideas- Annette Rockwood
  11. North Avenue clean-up in May - Bobby Pantuso: Michael Walsh said he'd help
  12. Scholarship Fund -  Form a committee?  Barb Blaney, Kathleen Flanders, Heidi and Josh Hoeft, Colleen and Steve Suess, Amy and Randy Hoyt.
  13. Schedule next meeting

Economic Development Round-table Discussion


We need TETNA residents to help spend $40K!