Annual Meeting on Monday!

7:00PM • Lutheran Home

TETNA 2009 Annual Meeting Agenda

  1. Welcome
  2. Announcements
    • No December meeting 2009.  We will have the Holiday Cookie Exchange instead.
  3. Introduce Officer Semega
  4. Introduce Jerry Stepaniak
  5. Introduce Michael Walsh
  6. Egg Hunt  and Blood Drive event on April 4  -- Kathleen Flanders
  7. May meeting is to clean up North Ave – Bobby Pantuso
  8. Vote on officersBallot:
    • President -- Sarah Hunt-Frank
    • Vice President - open
    • Treasurer -- Barb Blaney –
    • Secretary – open
    • Senior Rep – open
    • Board Members:
    1. Tiger Beyer
    2. Bobby Pantuso
    3. Julie Terwelp
    4. Open
    5. Open
  9. Closing

UPDATE: Blood Drive


2009 TETNA Spring Egg Hunt