2008 Blood Drive a Success

Jake’s Blood Drive, held October 4th at Roosevelt, was a great success. 80 donors were registered, and the Blood Center was able to collect 75 units of blood. Jennifer Aldrich, Jake’s mom, shared that this was their best turnout yet!TETNA will continue to support Jake’s bi-annual blood drives, the next of which will be held in April (watch the newsletter and website for a specific date). If you are interested in recruiting donors, helping with daycare the day of the event, or would like to set an appointment to donate blood, please contact Jennifer by using the form below.Blood donations save lives. Many of you are familiar with the fact that transfusions are used after car accidents and emergency surgeries, but there are other uses as well. Jake receives transfusions to fight the side effects of the chemotherapy he is undergoing to treat childhood cancer. If you’ve never made a blood donation, please visit bcw.edu to learn more about the process, and some of the people you might be helping.Thanks to all of those that donated, or helped out with the drive. Please continue to support Jake and his family by continuing with your blood donations through Blood Center of Wisconsin.


Donate during Halloween


Halloween Yards of Distinction